Sunday, February 8, 2009

Spring is a comin!-well, almost...but the signs are here!

My favorite season is on it's way. There is still lots of snow on the ground here in New England...and it is not 'officially' spring for several weeks...BUT...I still 'feel it'...
Here's some of the 'signs' for me

Valentine's Day is this week
Mardi Gras is around the corner
The kids have February Vacation...and we start signing up for spring activities,
My beloved Red Sox start SPRING training this week!!!
Football is over
The Final Four is coming up
The stores have the Easter and Passover things up for sale
You can buy t-shirts, sandals, bathing suits and flip flops in some stores
Did I mention the Red Sox start SPRING training this
And just that great feeling that spring is - right around the corner.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Is there a reason for February vacation? I have never heard of that before. Thanks for being my blog follower!